Sunday, September 18, 2011

A ! for Amazing

After exploring through my INQ classes blogs i came across a collection of great stories. One blog spot that i came across that had an impeccable series of stories was Sam's Blog. Her campus safari caught my eye because of her fitness center photo. As i began to read her post it stole my attention, she explained how she had already possessed a gym membership in her home town but she suspended it in order to join Southern's facility. She explained that the price was 60 dollars/semester to join "a bit high" but pretty reasonable compared to other gym's in her area. She talked about classes that the gym offers and she even talked to already members of the gym. Where they explained that cycling class was extremely challenging but that she should try it. As i continued to read this awesome post she informed me of the times that the class and fitness center ran. Sam also informed me of the equipment that the fitness center had. This information helped me a great deal since i was eventually planning on signing up for a gym membership soon. Visit Sam's Blog

The next blog post i came across that was exceptional was Nina's blog post about Southern's Day of Service. In her post she wrote about he experience in participating in this community event. She talked about where she was stationed for the day which was West River project. She said that her groups task was to help clean up the path that was full of debris left by Hurricane Irene. "We worked in pairs, so part of the time I would hold the bag and my partner would throw stuff in or she would hold the bag and I would pick up the trash" said Nina. Nina also explained how fun the event was how fun it was to help the community. Once the group was finished the trail looked a lot better from 2 hours ago. Nina describes a feeling of happiness in her help to clean up. Although i did not participate in the Day of Service this past weekend i due plan on participating in the next upcoming Day of Service event. This post was very well written and made me feel as if i was there with the group holding the garbage bag or picking up debris.  Visit Nina's Blog

Lastly Krista's blog post about Multitasking Madness was another well written post that i read. In her post Krista summarizes  the article Debunking The Myth of Multitasking.  She explains that the author discourages multitasking, simply because it makes you exhausted. Krista says when she's at work she is constantly multitasking. When she is doing homework she says she has to have music playing or the television on. Her constant switch tasking she explains takes a tole on her " I will admit both my mind and my body are exhausted at the end of the night "  says Krista. After reading this article i found my self able to connect with Krista. I found a similarity in our work and study habits we both work at jobs that require multitasking and we both listen to music when doing our homework. Visit Krista's Blog

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