Monday, November 7, 2011

Article Readings

This week i will be posting a blog about the reading I did for Rachel's group. The topic that Rachel's group chose was stress in college. The reading was titled The Negative Effects of Stress on Health and Suggestions for De-Stressing. While reading this article I found it somewhat informative. The article talked about things that cause stress, what stress really is, and how to De-stress.

Stress is an internal process that occurs when a person is faced with a demand that he or she feels cannot be met. Failure is not an option, in the sense that failure will lead to consequences so dire as to be unacceptable. Stress is experienced when there is awareness of an imbalance between the rigors of what is in demand and the ability to perform. This is how to article defines stress. I think that this is a good definition in general because I can relate. Preceding the definition that the article gives it then talks about what causes stress. It lists 15 main causes and here they are, headaches, 
lack of energy,
increased frequency in asthma and arthritis flare-ups,
 stomach, cramping,
 stomach bloating,
 epidermal flare ups or inflammation,
 weight fluctuation,
 heart problems,
 high blood pressure,
irritable bowel syndrome,
 neck and back pain.

Lastly the article talks about some things that you can do to decrease your stress level. Things like yoga, getting a massage, meditation, and exercise. Yoga helps with metal discipline and focus. Obtaining a massage can help enforce physical relaxation this can then lead to metal relaxation and stress relief. Meditation is a way to focus your mind, meditation helps one to simplify life this takes repetition. Lastly is exercise which can release endorphins, and tension. 

In conclusion I think that this article was ok it informed me about ways one can become stressed, how to relieve stress, and what stress is. The article left me with a lot of things I plan to use in everyday life to help me stay stress free. 

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