Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Proposal Week 12

This week I will be blogging about my final video project for my inquiry class. In my inquiry class my teacher provided a final video project in which we are to address an issue and find a solution to that problem.  I’m pretty excited to have a little more independence on this project and I really want to get a better grade this time around.  I will try to improve on the mistakes I made in my mid-term video project.
For my final video project I would like to address the problem of smoking on campus. Unlike high school smokers are allowed to smoke at school. This is fine with me because it wouldn’t be fair to restrict an adult from smoking. The problem I have is the places smokers smoke, the campus is decent size and has plenty open space. However smokers tend to not use the spots where there isn’t a lot of people passing by, Smokers are located at Engelmann’s entrance doors and a lot of the time they are at other entrances on campus.
The tables outside of Engelmann have sign above them stating there is no smoking allowed. The sign are disregarded by smokers because they sit there every hour of the day smoking the place up. As a non-smoker the smell of a cigarette is annoying and is worse to my body than the smokers. This problem of smoking in non-smoking places is becoming an annoying and should be enforced by authorities.
In conclusion I like the project and plan to improve from my midterm video. In my proposal I want to address the problem of smoking in non-smoking places, the effects of smoking, and the effects on a non-smoker. I plan to find a solution to fix the problem of smoking in non-smoking areas of the campus.

·         Intro
·         Facts about smoking
·         Interview 1 (non-smoker)
·         Interview 2 (smoker)
·         Interview 3 (professor/Administrator)
·         My way of fixing the problem
·         Conclusion

1 comment:

  1. Good start. Think of what you might add between the interviews to break up the sameness.
