Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Living on campus VS. Commuting Week 11

This week I will be talking about living on campus vs. commuting also about the reading that Merrill’s group posted. The reading that Merrill’s group posted was about living on campus vs. commuting, the article provided statistics and information that was new to me. The article states that students on campus are more connected; they have higher GPA’s and are more likely to persist until graduation. You would think that students are more connected in their school, but this isn’t always the case. A lot of students in my classes state they aren’t involved in any clubs and have plenty time on their hands. I think it would be better to say that it’s easier for student living on campus to get involved oppose to a commuter.  Students who live on campus have high GPA’s than commuters make me wonder is it because really because they live on campus or is it other issues that make it harder for commuters in school. For example some people commute for different issues young children they have to take care of, family, or other issues they have to worry about, I don’t think living on campus determines your GPA.
In my opinion of whether living on campus or being a commuter is better I would choose to be live on campus for multiple reasons. Living on campus would allow me to be much closer to the school and if I were to forget something it would be a lot easier for me to go to my dorm room than to travel all the way back home. Living on campus would also allow me to get away from my home and experience college a little more to meet new people. Lastly living on campus I would be more focused since I am around a learning environment almost all the time.
In conclusion I think the reading was good it provided me with new information, and it pertained to me. And in my opinion I think that living on campus is better and this is coming from a commuter.  

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