Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This week i will be blogging about a reading that Krista's group posted for the class to read. The articles that the group assigned for the class were titled, the type of learning styles, and multiple intelligence theory. The article talked about the three main types of learning style which included Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic. Auditory learners are people who like to have things explained oppose to reading about things. Visual learners are people who would rather watch a demonstration or read. Lastly are kinesthetic learners these are people that are hands on they learn by using their hands.
After reading this article I have a better understanding of the learning styles. I came to a conclusion that the type of learner I am is visual, hear, and touch. I would consider myself a visual learner because If I don’t understand a problem I like to see the problem done out. And as someone writes out the problem I can better grasp the idea just by watching step by step. I would also consider myself an auditory learner because I like to listen to music when I am writing or doing math I feel more relaxed. However when I’m reading I don’t like to listen to things I prefer silence because I become distracted. Lastly I would consider myself a kinesthetic learner because I like to use my hands, for example science is a subject where u performs experiments using your hands and I really like science because of this reason. Also if I’m reading something that is difficult and I write notes down I can better understand what is being said.
In conclusion I think the article was very well written, it was very informative it taught me about the three main learning styles which are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic  learners.

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