Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And here are your grades!

Mid-terms they are finally here! Wait I thought I was doing better than this. Mid-terms allow me to find where my grade stands. Over the past week mid-terms were issued by all my teachers. Some grades were good some descent and somewhere just horrible. My grades were all over the place from A- to D this is something that I faced in high school that I told myself I wouldn’t allow to happen to myself in college. As of now I am not where I want to be in my academics I expected my grades to be descent from B’s to A’s but I was wrong. A lot of the time I don’t put forth my greatest effort and I expect more than what I should. To see my grades it’s a slap in the face for something I worked so hard to achieve, which is to get into college and do well. I know a lot of what my grades are made of is due to procrastination.
To fix my grades and get them up to where they need to be I need to start completing my homework, and studying more efficiently. A lot of the time I forget about homework or I don’t feel like doing it and it never gets done.  This is something that I need to fix in order to better my grades. Another way of bettering my grades is to study harder, once again I procrastinate to the last minute and my study session isn’t as good as it should be because I limit myself to a little bit of time. Fixing these two problems I will be better off and I will be in great academic standing. Goals that I plan to set for myself from here on out are, stop procrastinating, do more homework, study, and follow through on these three things.
In conclusion my mid-term grades are not what I like, they need to be fixed and maintained. In order for this to happen I need to study, do more homework, follow through and, stop procrastinating. I don’t want to have anymore below average grades.

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