Saturday, October 8, 2011

Health Center #3

What's up fellow OWLS! im checking in again with a new post. This week i visited Granoff Health Center, On my visit i tried to answer the question " What are the most common health problems faced by college student ?"  and here is what i found. As a college student we are always on the GO! we are constantly multitasking, eating horribly, and sleeping irregularly and this isn't healthy. Some diseases that college students are most prone to are Insomnia, eating disorders, drug  addiction,  and depression.

As students we are overwhelmed with part time jobs, school work, family, and personal issues on a day to day basis. A lot goes on in one day and if the end of the day isn’t met with the proper amount of sleep that can lead to health problems. Health problems like insomnia, insomnia comes from lack of sleep, or inconsistent sleep patterns. Insomnia can cause student to have trouble falling asleep, staying sleep or trouble with both.
Eating disorders- Eating disorders are becoming more of a trending topic in college students. There are many eating disorders that are present the most common for example are, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, binging and purging. Eating disorders are most commonly found in college students. Appearance, food addiction, or depression can lead to anyone of these disorders.
Drug addiction- College parties are very common and at those parties you can find drugs or alcohol. Drug addiction can come from multiple channels. Peer pressure can lead to a person trying drugs and ultimately becoming addicted to that drug. The most common drugs that are being abused today in most college students are prescription drugs which are dangerous, marijuana, and alcohol. Drug addiction can lead to many health problems, sometimes fatal.

Depression- Many students can feel depressed from school work (anxiety) since the work load is much greater than high school. Depression can also come about through an unhealthy relationship, being away from family, or from an experience in your childhood that was traumatic. Since hormones are constantly fluctuating college students are at a greater risk of becoming depressed.

In conclusion the Granoff Center is a great place to get help or advice on health problems or issues. So stop by to take advantage of the services that they provide.

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