Saturday, October 1, 2011

Got technology ?

In this week’s blog post I will be discussing a question that I asked 10 of my fellow peers based on the articles I have been reading and from in class discussions. One article that really interested me was the technology article and its effects on our brains. I decided to ask everyone “Do you find that your computer, cell phone, or any other form of technology distracts you from your school work? And if so “which one distracts you the most?” The answers that I received weren’t anything that I didn’t expect, Here Is what I found!

Person #1: yes I do find that I get easily distracted by electronics especially when I am bored in class. I find my cell phone to be most distracting since it’s always by my side.

Person #2: I personally find myself distracted by technology I love video games they are my biggest distraction.

Person #3: I try not to let any of these things distract me too much yea I find myself venturing off to Facebook and twitter but I make sure I have my work done.

Person  #4: my cell phone is my biggest distraction I’m always texting because people are always texting or calling me I usually have my cell phone next to me when I’m doing homework which is bad but without it I feel on edge.

Person #5: I don’t allow these things to side track me I keep my iPod on but I think that helps me become productive.

Person #6:  I’m never on the internet but I do use my cell phone to keep in touch but it doesn’t really affect my school work.

Person #7:  video games are my biggest I play them in the morning during the day and at night its definitely a distraction I can’t help it almost.

Person #8: none of these distract me I’m always buisy with sports or other after school programs,  no I’m not distracted from my school work.

Person #9: I have a job and I always need to stay in contact with people so the computer and cell phone are definitely my biggest distractions when it comes to getting work done.

Person #10: I always found myself not so technologically advanced and all the new things coming out now a day tend to overwhelm me so I try and stay away from any electronics.

In conclusion to my findings technology plays a part in almost everyone’s everyday life may it be just making a phone, checking the time, or listening to music etc. i found that for some people techonology is more distracting than for others and i think that it depends on how resilient you are to things. 

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