Friday, October 21, 2011

Time is AH-ticking !

Mid-term video UUUGGHH ! was my response when I heard we had to create a video on critical thinking. I knew in my mind that this project would be very time consuming and tedious. In a way I was correct but overall the video project turned out to be fun which makes the time feel not so long and boring. When I look back over the amount of time I spent on this project it would calculate as follows:
·         Brainstorming-                                                                                     3 days
·         Interviewing-                                                                                        4 days
·         Gathering other materials-                                                                2 hours
·         Transferring materials to the computer                                          Still in process
·         Learning to use video software                                                         2 hours
·         Making the video                                                                                 Still in process
·         Editing                                                                                                   Still in process
·         Other                                                                                                    2 hours
Creating a video takes persistence and great time management two traits that I showed when I created my video.  At the beginning of making my video I took very long in deciding what topic I wanted my video to be on. This took me 2 days to figure out my topic preceding this I got started on shooting and editing. I tried to make sure I chipped away at this project day by day so that I wouldn’t have to crunch everything into one day. Ultimately my plan worked very well I spent my time wisely. One thing that I would suggest to myself in order to have a better result is to have started the project earlier. Overall I like the project and it has taught me a lot of new thing that I plan to implement in life from now on.

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