Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Concuering Procrastination!

Procrastination:  the act of procrastinating; putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time
Have you ever put something off to the last day, hour, minute, second, tenth of a second before it is due? If not Great for you, for those of use that wear this day to day this blog concerns you, better yet US! This past week has been full of projects, homework, studying, and most of all PROCRASTINATION the biggest time consumer might I add. When it comes to homework, projects, and studying, there will always be a deadline to finish these tasks. Me myself I like to wait to the very last minute and then when I receive my grade I act so surprised, then I tell myself you know what I’m going to start doing my work on time. Then the next project is posted and, you guessed it I wait until the last minute to finish it. A lot of the time I know I’m procrastinating I tell myself “your procrastinating,” and instead of getting on task I stay of task as much as possible. For example this week I had a math quiz to study for but on this day an interesting show came on. I weighed my options and the interesting show took the cake, probably because all I had to do was sit down and laugh oppose to using my brain to better my grade in math class.
In life I want to become an ophthalmologist and to become this I need to attend medical school. In order to get into medical school I need good grades. In order to get good grades I need persistence and good time management. In order to stay in good time management standing I need to use my time wisely. In order to use my time wisely I need be persistent in achieving this. These two are the core to being able to attend medical school. But I don’t see it as I should I guess I don’t want it bad enough which is contradicting to my heart because I know that I want to help people. Procrastination is something I want to work out of I don’t want to ever feel on the bottom anymore, I want to start staying on top of my work on task. If I do this I know that I will be one step close in getting into medical school and achieving my goal of becoming a doctor.
In conclusion procrastination is bad and is not a trait that no one should posses it only leads to being late, becoming stressed, and feeling depressed. From here on out procrastination is in my past I will no longer lose this battle!

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